Its twittering, wheezing song and flash of yellow and green as it flies, make this finch a truly colourful character. Nesting in a garden conifer, or feasting on black sunflower seeds, the greenfinch is a regular garden visitor, able to take advantage of food in rural and urban gardens. Although quite sociable, they may squabble among themselves or with other birds at the bird...
The Sanderling is a small wading bird. The name derives from Old English sand-yrðling, “sand-ploughman”. Sanderlings scamper about the waves looking for marine crustaceans, fish and even jellyfish to eat. It visits the UK in winter from its Arctic breeding grounds, but can also be seen as it passes through on migration during spring and autumn.
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Brancaster is actually made up of 2 villages, Brancaster and Brancaster Staithe. Brancaster is mainly residential, with all the interest centered on Brancaster Staithe, a working fishing village. Many local families still make their living by fishing from the staithe, which has always been famous for its first class shellfish. You can buy their catch from stalls either at the staithe or on...
The Speckled Wood butterfly occurs in woodland, gardens and hedgerows. Butterflies often perch in sunny spots, spiralling into the air to chase each other.
The aptly named Speckled Wood flies in partially shaded woodland with dappled sunlight. The male usually perches in a small pool of sunlight, from where it rises rapidly to intercept any intruder. Both sexes feed on honeydew in the tree...