Blink and you may miss the fantastic kingfisher! This beautiful bird is easy to recognise thanks to its bright blue and metallic copper colours. It darts along the riverbank or sits patiently on a low branch over the water waiting for its next meal to swim by.
Length: 15-17cmWingspan: 25cmWeight: 40gAverage lifespan: 2 years
Conservation status
Classified in the UK as...
The following is an extract from a recent article taken from the “RSPB Notes on Nature”. In my view, it is certainly a project that will help to produce greater access into the countryside – “a new way to be in Nature”.
“Join warden Dan Snowdon for a wander along the brand-new accessible boardwalk at RSPB Scotland’s Lochwinnoch nature...
Lightning fast and technicoloured, seeing a kingfisher always feels special. Spot them near rivers, diving low to catch tiny fish with impressive dexterity. The kingfisher is a small bird with unmistakable plumage. Its back is bright metallic blue and its breast is a coppery-brown. The beak is long and black, though females have a red patch at the base. With a wingspan of 25cm and body length...
Wading birds like Lapwings, Curlews and Oystercatchers are struggling in many places across the UK. In the film below, discover how the RSPB are helping these birds on the stunning island of Rousay, by working with landowners and farmers, and with some vital assistance from four-legged volunteers.
“Lapwing” by CRUSH Photography
“Oystercatcher” by CRUSH...