The Common Kingfisher is a small unmistakable bright blue and orange bird of slow moving or still water. The Common Kingfisher flies rapidly, low over water, and hunt fish from riverside perches, occasionally hovering above the water’s surface. They are vulnerable to hard winters and habitat degradation through pollution or unsympathetic management of watercourses. Kingfishers...
The Common Redshank
Brownish all over, with a paler belly, the Redshank is one of only two waders that has bright red legs; the Spotted Redshank also has red legs, but is larger, with longer legs and a longer bill. The Redshank has a straight bill, which is red at the base and black at the end. When it flies, it shows a white triangular wedge up its back and a wide, white triangle on...
This is a vocal bird in the breeding season, with constant calling as the crazed tumbling display flight is performed by the male. The typical contact call is a loud, shrill “pee-wit” from which they get their other name of peewit. Displaying males usually make a wheezy “pee-wit, wit wit, eeze wit” during their display flight. It feeds primarily on insects and other...