The female is identical in appearance to the male except that her lower mandible is orange-red with a black tip. The adult male has a black beak. The juvenile is similar to the adult, but with duller and greener upperparts and paler underparts. Its bill is black, and the legs are also initially black.
Key information
The goldfinch is a highly coloured finch with a bright red face and yellow wing patch. Sociable, often breeding in loose colonies, they have a delightful liquid twittering song and call. Their long fine beaks allow them to extract otherwise inaccessible seeds from thistles and teasels. Increasingly they are visiting bird tables and feeders. In winter many UK goldfinches...
The following is an extract from a recent article taken from the “RSPB Notes on Nature”. In my view, it is certainly a project that will help to produce greater access into the countryside – “a new way to be in Nature”.
“Join warden Dan Snowdon for a wander along the brand-new accessible boardwalk at RSPB Scotland’s Lochwinnoch nature...
Lightning fast and technicoloured, seeing a kingfisher always feels special. Spot them near rivers, diving low to catch tiny fish with impressive dexterity. The kingfisher is a small bird with unmistakable plumage. Its back is bright metallic blue and its breast is a coppery-brown. The beak is long and black, though females have a red patch at the base. With a wingspan of 25cm and body length...